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Nevada Peer Support Network

Providing resources and support to our Law Enforcement, Firefighters, EMS, First Responders,
Veterans, Hospital Professionals, Military Personnel and their families . . .


The why ...as a profession, we are overrepresented for suicide and other mental health conditions.

The reality is that we can do better to protect our people from adverse effects of the career. It is possible to thrive, not just survive in EMS.

— Kate Elkins, MPH, an EMS specialist with the NHTSA Office of EMS and a longtime paramedic



The primary purpose of a board of advisors is to offer insights and recommendations based on their expertise, experience, and perspectives. We seek an advisory group that helps our organizations navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and achieve their strategic goals.

Our organization supports the lives of all who serve and aims to support the mental health, well-being, and resilience of front-line workers so that they can live their best lives both on and off duty. NPSN is innovative in our approach and a nationally recognized leader in supporting the well-being of front-line workers. Since our inception, we have reduced the stigma of front-line workers seeking mental health services, reduced symptoms of trauma and suicide ideation through incident response, counseling services, and peer support, and helped first responders establish new health habits that impact their overall health.

The organization first began as an online directory to connect front-line workers with culturally competent resources, and since then, we have grown extensively in order to meet the growing needs of the community we serve. In two short years, we have hosted resiliency rounds, a state-wide mental health and wellness conference with 400 front-line workers, we opened the first Resiliency Center in the state, and we purchased an ambulance that has been renovated into an incident support vehicle for the first responders who are responding to major incidents. Just the other day, we had one of our members report that the time spent at the Resiliency Center over the last year saved his life.

Our core values include inclusivity, strength, unity, action, and advocacy. We embody these values in the following ways. We partner with agencies across the state and region. Some of our core partners include the Nevada Military Support Alliance, Washoe County Sherriff’s Office, the National Guard, North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District, Renown, REMSA, and a multitude of others.

The reason we believe in collaboration is because we know that we are stronger together when we support our fellow brothers and sisters. For example, if a department experiences a suicide or major incident where several people are affected, it can be very difficult for their own peer support team to be able to effectively support one another. We have a network of peers and trained clinicians who can step in as needed. In addition, the Resiliency Center that we opened in January 2021 has become a safe place for all first responders to come. The people who come to the center report that it’s important for them to have a place to go that is not connected to their organization.


We are lookiing for our board of advisors to play a crucial role in guiding an organization towards success by providing diverse perspectives, expertise, and support of NPSN. Your contributions can and will significantly enhance the strategic direction and overall effectiveness of the our organization.

Feel You Have Something To Contribute, Would You Like To Be Considerd For An Honorary Position As An Advisor and Offer Your Expertise? We Would Like To Hear From You... Contact Founder / President Derek Ried @ 775. 560.6042

Board of Advisors

Natasha Lukasiewich, Vice President

Ph: 530.582.3219

John / Jane Smyth, Business Professional

Integer vehicula porttitor libero eget mattis. Aliquam congue mauris ac porttitor varius. Proin ac massa non libero sodales hendrerit et at ante. In interdum, velit tincidunt mollis imperdiet, ipsum urna tincidunt ex, id ornare dui nisi vitae elit. In dapibus urna at posuere viverra.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla lacus eros, ultricies et ornare eget, tempus vitae neque. Etiam dapibus nunc sit amet quam rhoncus commodo. Suspendisse bibendum diam nec dolor aliquet lacinia. Morbi a ornare magna. Morbi tempor enim id arcu accumsan, sollicitudin cursus tellus venenatis. Nunc id blandit enim, commodo ultricies risus. Nunc cursus magna volutpat risus malesuada, vitae convallis nibh fringilla. Integer ut malesuada tortor, venenatis vehicula lorem. Nullam lacus risus, porta vel diam ac, vulputate sodales lacus.

Suspendisse sed augue laoreet, fermentum nisl et, tempor mi. Donec est mauris, rutrum vitae tortor at, gravida consequat nisi. Proin a tellus purus. Nulla sodales leo sapien, et consequat orci vestibulum in.

Aliquam aliquam consequat rhoncus. Aliquam tempus diam at viverra sodales. Quisque sollicitudin, sapien in ornare varius, purus nisl faucibus elit, at pellentesque odio nunc quis risus. Maecenas consectetur gravida elit et molestie. Sed in nisi at erat vestibulum egestas. Integer vehicula porttitor libero eget mattis. Aliquam congue mauris ac porttitor varius. Proin ac massa non libero sodales hendrerit et at ante. In interdum, velit tincidunt mollis imperdiet, ipsum urna tincidunt ex, id ornare dui nisi vitae elit. In dapibus urna at posuere viverra.

Jane / John Smyth, Business Professional

Integer vehicula porttitor libero eget mattis. Aliquam congue mauris ac porttitor varius. Proin ac massa non libero sodales hendrerit et at ante. In interdum, velit tincidunt mollis imperdiet, ipsum urna tincidunt ex, id ornare dui nisi vitae elit. In dapibus urna at posuere viverra.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla lacus eros, ultricies et ornare eget, tempus vitae neque. Etiam dapibus nunc sit amet quam rhoncus commodo. Suspendisse bibendum diam nec dolor aliquet lacinia. Morbi a ornare magna. Morbi tempor enim id arcu accumsan, sollicitudin cursus tellus venenatis. Nunc id blandit enim, commodo ultricies risus. Nunc cursus magna volutpat risus malesuada, vitae convallis nibh fringilla. Integer ut malesuada tortor, venenatis vehicula lorem. Nullam lacus risus, porta vel diam ac, vulputate sodales lacus.

Suspendisse sed augue laoreet, fermentum nisl et, tempor mi. Donec est mauris, rutrum vitae tortor at, gravida consequat nisi. Proin a tellus purus. Nulla sodales leo sapien, et consequat orci vestibulum in.

Aliquam aliquam consequat rhoncus. Aliquam tempus diam at viverra sodales. Quisque sollicitudin, sapien in ornare varius, purus nisl faucibus elit, at pellentesque odio nunc quis risus. Maecenas consectetur gravida elit et molestie. Sed in nisi at erat vestibulum egestas. Integer vehicula porttitor libero eget mattis. Aliquam congue mauris ac porttitor varius. Proin ac massa non libero sodales hendrerit et at ante. In interdum, velit tincidunt mollis imperdiet, ipsum urna tincidunt ex, id ornare dui nisi vitae elit. In dapibus urna at posuere viverra.





With over 35 years in advertising, marketing and biz-dev where his passion and focus lay within new company start-ups and non-profit organizations. DG Sanchez brings His years of expertise to Brand Development, Messaging and Positioning for his clients.

The David George Agency ( DGA ) shines as a pioneering Business Development Agency, boasting over three decades of industry experience attributed to its dynamic and innovative approach. Since 1990, DGA has been a frontrunner in delivering tailored marketing solutions to a diverse clientele ranging from right next-door, to across the country and abroad.

In addition to his business efforts, with over 15 years combined service to the community as a volunteer professional, to his credit Sanchez was accredited as a Nationally Certified SAR Tech ( Search And Rescue ), a Backcountry Specialist, Technical Rescue Technician with one of the oldest and more regarded teams in the country, the HASTY TEAM, where he specialized in Wide Area Response, Man Tracking, and Medical - all under the auspices of the Sheriff’s Department. His background also encompasses 10 years as a Wilderness MedTech, and 5 years in the Emergency Room as an ER Medical Technician...

Embracing the ever-evolving marketing landscape and drawing from a long history of community service, DGA focuses on leveraging momentum, and years of acumen, to develop and create impactful brand positioning, strategies and campaigns for his cients, a testament to his forward-thinking ethos...


Feel You Have Something To Contribute, Would You Like To Be Considerd For An Honorary Position As An Advisor tnd Offer Your Expertise...

Contact Founder / President Derek Ried @ 775. 560.6042